Already Gone
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I see alot of familiar faces, are you still friends of mine?

You look at me as though I have committed some horrible crime.

You wonder how I could turn my back, and leave him after all those years,fae10b.gif (14433 bytes)

The thing here you do not know is the hurt that’s in these tears.

Everything may have looked just fine, an Oscar for my show,

yet, behind the scene is a different script, of a woman no one knows.

Clinging on to yesterday helped sometimes pull me through,

soon the yesterdays were filled with emptiness and loneliness too.

Years passed and as I fell deeper into my grave,

fae10c.gif (5404 bytes)finally held my head up and decided to be saved.

It was not an easy choice to leave and go away,

It did not happen overnight or decided in just one day.

It took a lot of thought before I knew what I had to do,

So do not be so fast to judge, if you only knew.

All might have appeared right but you did not know all the hidden facts,

you did not look close enough to see the tearprinted tracks.

I am not blaming anyone except myself for the hardships due,fae10b.gif (14433 bytes)

many memories where good and I will hold them all true.

Do not be sad at the choice I finally made,

please don’t stop being my friend, please don’t be afraid.

Just know when you saw me smiling, I knew all along,

that in my heart and soul I was already gone.

Carol Vargas